Faculty of Social Sciences announces applications for exchange programs
Faculty of Social Sciences announces applications for exchange programs in the following Universities: 1) Krakow University ( Poland) - Deadline November 9 2) Siauliu University (Lithuania) - Deadline November 1
Registration for 7th Student Ranking System has been started
ATTENTION!!!! Faculty of Social Sciences is launching the registration process for the 7th view of the Students Ranking System! The Students Ranking System is the project initiated by the faculty of Social Sciences in the frameworks of the Students’ involvement strategy, which
Business Case Competition
Dear students, Students’ Association of ISM University of Management and Economics from Lithuania invites you to participate in a social business case competition Creative Shock, where you could win 2000 euros and a round-trip flight to any destination in the world. Creative
Internal Mobility Dates (Spring Semester)
See Internal Mobility Dates of Spring Semester through the link: https://ibsu.edu.ge/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Rector.pdf
Economics For Beginners
Duration of the project is two days. * On the first day organizers of the project - trainers will introduce to the participants project format and rules. Participants will be divided into groups according to sectors (English, Georgian). English groups will be
Student Consultation Chart Information
Visit the link to see students consultation chart: https://ibsu.edu.ge/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Combined_5-Copy.pdf
ვიზიტი ერგნეთის ომის მუზეუმში
2018 წლის 19 მარტს შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტის საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების პროგრამის სტუდენტები და ადმინისტრაციული პერსონალი ომის მუზეუმს ეწვივნენ, რომელიც ოკუპირებული ცხინვალიდან 500 მეტრით დაშორებულ სოფელ ერგნეთში მდებარეობს. ომის მუზეუმი ერგნეთის მკვიდრმა ლია ჩლაჩიძემ დააარსა 2008 წლის აგვისტოს ომის მეცხრე წლისთავზე
2017-2018 Spring Semester Exam Dates
Dear Students; Please check your EXAM dates and time from your SIS ACCOUNT. Changes will be done on SIS, you need to check your SIS ACCOUNT regularly. In case two or more exams coincide, please inform the Faculty (A-302 - Mehmet
Faculty of Education & Humanities Freshmen Parents Meetings
On November 28, 2014 the meeting was held between the parents of the IBSU Education & Humanities Faculty, American Studies and English Philology department students and the administration and the professors.
Faculty of Education & Humanities – Alumni Meeting
Meeting with the Graduates of 2014 On November 28, 2014 Career Planning Center of the International Black Sea University organized a meeting with the graduates of the Faculty of Education and Humanities (Alumni of 2014). The head of Career Planning Center Islam