
  • 09/02/2018

5th International Research Conference on Education

The Fifth International Research Conference on Education, English Language Teaching, English Language and Literatures in English was held on May 1-2 at the Faculty of Education and Humanities. It was opened by the chair of the conference, IBSU Vice rector Prof., Dr. Natela Doghonadze. The cultural attaché of the US Embassy James Dewey, IBSU Rector, Prof., Dr. Ilyas Ciloglu, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Humanities Prof. Dr. Tamar Shioshvili, representatives of ETAG (English Teachers’ Association of Georgia) and British Council took part in the opening ceremony.

  • More than a hundred participants from 7 countries (Georgia, Turkey, Iraq, Poland, USA, Uganda and Azerbaijan) presented about 90 papers. Presenters were awarded certificates of participation.
  • 9 Georgian, 6 Turkish and 1 Iraqi, 2 Polish, 1 US, and 1 Azeri university, some schools and educational institutions were represented.
  • Faculty of Education and Humanities academic staff (8), also School of Languages (2), and other faculties (2) participated.
  • Our Faculty’s best 9 Bachelor and 12 Ph.D. students, as well as some IBSU students from other faculties presented papers.

The materials, as usual, will be very soon published. So, it is visible that every year the conference is becoming a more large scale event.