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  3. განათლების, ჰუმანიტარული და სოციალური მეცნიერებების...
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  5. Page 26
    • 26/02/2018

    Submission of Abstract

    Please send an abstract (about 100 words) to Tea Chumburidze e-mail:tchumburidze@ibsu.edu.ge; The paper presenters are kindly asked to restrict their presentations to 10-20 minutes followed by 5 minutes

    • 26/02/2018

    8th International Conference on American Studies (2)

    8th International Conference on American Studies Organized by International Black Sea University Faculty of Education & Humanities in Cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in Georgia Conference Date: 

    • 26/02/2018

    7th International Conference on American Studies

    The U.S. Ambassador to Georgia Richard Norland & the Cultural Attaché James Dewey of the U.S. Embassy visited the 7th annual International American Studies Research Conference of the Faculty of Education