IBSU hosted 12th grade students of Tsikhisdziri School on Open Door Day
IBSU-მ მცხეთის რაიონის სოფელ ციხისძირის საჯარო სკოლის მე-12 კლასის მოსწავლეებს ღია კარის დღეზე უმასპინძლა. 🔹 პიარისა და მარკეტინგის დეპარტამენტის უფროსმა, თამარ შოშიაშვილმა მოსწავლეებს უნივერსიტეტის საგანმანათლებლო პროგრამები, გრანტები, შეღავათები და შეთავაზებები გააცნო. უნივერსიტეტის მარკეტერებმა კი აბიტურიენტებს IBSU-ს კამპუსი დაათვალიერებინეს.
IBSU, Moldovan Technical University sign MOC
Organized by Research Projects and Innovations Office, IBSU hosted Viorica Lupu, Director at the Republican ScientificAgricultural Library of the Technical University of Moldova, and her colleague Ina Nikuta. Viorika Lupu delivered a lecture on open science that covered both the significance
(Geo) სოფიაში ფრანგული ენის ახალგაზრდა მასწავლებლების ფორუმი გაიმართება
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TICA announces scholarships
Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) in cooperation with Thai universities/academic institutions would like to announce the scholarships for Master's degree under the Thailand International Postgraduate Programme (TIPP) for the year 2023. Read more: https://bit.ly/3N83Whi
IBSU Rector congratulated Keti Pankvelashvili on her victory in student self-governance elections
On behalf of the International Black Sea University, Rector Saffet Bayraktutan congratulated Keti Pankvelashvili, a sophomore studying Economics, on her victory in the student self-governance elections and wished her success.
John Edward Bushyhead’s Public Defense of Ph.D. Dissertation
John Edward Bushyhead's Public Defense of Ph.D. Dissertation on Reasons and Effects of The US Global Strategic Defense Cooperation and Its Integration with Transovrabia’s Political and Institutional Transformation 2000-till Present (Case study on Georgia) will be held on May 11,
IBSU hosted a traditional Iftar dinner for its employees
International Black Sea University hosted a traditional Iftar dinner for its employees. The university's academic and administrative staff addressed the gathering, underscoring the significance of unity, peace, and prosperity.
IBSU hosted Chandigarh University professor
IBSU hosted Dr. Sandeep Guleria, the Head of the Tourism Department at Chandigarh University. Guleria introduced learning methodologies and curriculum-building principles to IBSU's tourism program professors using the example of Chandigarh University. As part of the visit, the invited guest met with