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Admission to the doctoral program

Applicants, who acquired a master’s degree or a degree equal to this according to the Georgian legislation or who acquired a foreign degree that is recognized under the Georgian legislation and who meets the admission requirements defined in the doctorate program can be enrolled in IBSU doctoral programs according to Georgian legislation on the grounds of the internal assessment as defined by the program.

An agreement is concluded with the doctorate program candidate, who has successfully passed admission requirements and the Act of the Rector is issued regarding student’s enrolment. An applicant has to submit a research proposal (at least five pages) dealing with the area of future research. The assessment of the research proposal is done by the admission commission, created by the relevant Dissertation (Field) Board, which consists of at least 3 (three) members of the dissertation (field) board (including the program coordinator) and at least 2 (two) members from the relevant field.

The assessment of the research proposal is done in two stages. In the first stage, the commission evaluates the proposal, and in the second stage – conducts interviews; the results of which are formed and signed by the members of the admission commission.

The proposal and the interview are assessed according to the rubric which is defined by the doctorate program. At this stage, a potential supervisor is assigned for the goals of the research that will be carried out after the study component, based on the program coordinator’s proposal and students’ consent. The potential supervisor is responsible for guidance during the study component for the goals of further research.

Georgian citizen is required to present:

  • Information about educational and practical experience (resume)
  • Master’s degree or equivalent
  • Research proposal in English
  • English level B2 (in the absence of such a document an internal university exam will be arranged)
  • Interview
  • A prior paper/publication in the relevant field, as well as participation in scientific-research initiatives and events, and at least two years of professional experience in the relevant field.

IBSU graduates can benefit from a 10% grant for PhD programs.

Doctoral programs:

1 – Educational Sciences – Registration
2 – American Studies – Registration
3 – Business Administration – Registration
4 – Computer Science – Registration

List of documents:

1. Application form – (Download and fill the indicated file)

2. Two photographs, 3X4 (in printed and electronic form; A copy of the passport, in the absence of such, a copy of the identity card

3. Notarized copies of the document confirming higher education (diploma) and the appendix, or the certificate issued by the relevant higher education institution on the awarding of the relevant degree and the mark sheet; (in the case of a diploma issued by the Black Sea International University, notarization of copies is not mandatory)

4. In case of receiving higher education in a foreign country, notarized translations of the diploma and appendix and a document recognizing the education received abroad

5. Copy of identification card/passport (for citizens of a foreign country – notarized translation)

6. International certificate proving knowledge of a foreign language/a document confirming the academic degree awarded as a result of the completion of a foreign language program – diploma and appendix (if any)

7. A document confirming being on military registration by a person subject to military registration by the law

8. Research Proposal

Business Administration

English Language

Computer Science

English Language

American Studies

English Language

Education Sciences

English Language

Program Catalog