
  • 12/12/2018

IBSU will be able to accept freshmen from the second semester of 2018-2019 academic year.

The Appeals Board has satisfied the complaint of the International Black Sea University. According to the decision of the Appeals Board, IBSU will be able to accept freshmen from the second semester of the academic year. The University Rector, Ilia Chiloglu, demanded the abolition of the decision of the National Center for Educational Quality, which banned the university to accept the freshmen. The reason for the decision was the financial fine which the university has already paid.
The IBSU received authorization for 6 years. The university quotas has been increased to 3500 students.

“The Authorization Board of higher education institutions has now fully shared the position of International Black Sea University. I think this is really restoration of justice, ” – said lawyer Soso Baratashvili.

Акция протеста студентов Черноморского университета. 27 августа 2018 г.

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