
  • 23/05/2018

π Day!

PI Day is celebrated on March 14 every year. PI is a mathematical constant that consists of more than one trillion digits, but it is often used as 3.14, so the 14th day of the third month is the PI day. Also on March 14 is the birthday of Albert Einstein, this fact brings closer this day to the world of physics and mathematics. In different parts of the world people are celebrating the PI day by solving mathematical or logical puzzles. The Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering of International Black Sea University did not miss this mathematical holiday and held a local competition for schoolchildren. The student with the highest score would win the competition because the puzzles were very difficult, but 11th grader Nika Ovashvili managed to solve all the puzzles and won 80 GEL gift card of bookshop – “Biblus”, from IBSU.