Lento Baliashvili is a student of School Education, Humanities and Social Sciences who participated in The Erasmus+ Exchange Program at Mykolas Romeris University.

“Hello, my name is Lento Baliashvili, a bachelor’s student of English-language international relations at IBSU, and I am currently in Vilnius, Lithuania, with the Erasmus+ exchange program, and I am studying at Mykolas Romeris University at the Faculty of Social and Humanities.

First of all, I should mention that it is very gratifying when the university nominates your candidacy based on the principle of internal selectivity, allowing you to study at one of the best universities in Europe and to get a lot of experience in getting to know the education system of a foreign country. The lecturers at Mykolas Romeris University made an indelible impression on me from the very first lectures with their amazingly efficient approach and professionalism. The intercultural environment and students from almost every continent of the world create a new range of possibilities and perspectives. The university also allows me to go through an internship program in one of the well-known Lithuanian non-governmental organizations, Vilniaus Arkivyskupijos Caritas, which is a center for the integration of foreigners and involves intensive work with various social groups for their own self-realization.

As for Vilnius itself, the city is truly amazing. Clean, away from the modern chaotic world, very green, and loaded with Gothic style, which creates a feeling as if you have been transported centuries ago, but it is combined with the central, quite modern part of Vilnius, where the XXI century is clearly felt and which I visit quite often with my friends.

Finally, I can say that the exchange program gave me the opportunity to relax and get used to a new lifestyle. The memories, emotions, and experiences accumulated here, I am sure, will be useful many more times in my life.”