Multidisciplinary Research Center

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The Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on the Humanities and Social Sciences is established as an international hub to bring excellence and innovation in research across the humanities and social sciences with the special focus on Black Sea region, Middle East, Europe and America. The backbone through which the research centre pursues these goals is its interlocking research strands spanning from Global History, International Relationships, Philosophy and Anthropology through to History and Origin, Social and economic Transformation, Linguistics and Cultural Documentation, and Digital Humanities. The research area also comprises a focus on Imperial and Global studies.

The sub-direction is economic research, which is a part of the Center for Multidisciplinary Research.

Multidisciplinary Research Center at International Black Sea University began to exist as a way to create Multidisciplinary dialogue across the University’s faculties and schools, especially in the social sciences and humanities, as well as to build bridges among other structural units withing the scientific scope.

It implies to draw together disciplinary perspectives at International Black Sea University and to disseminate new ideas to audiences across the Caucasus, Europe, the Middle East, and beyond.



Multidisciplinary Research Center is to create new resources for thought, stimulate Multidisciplinary research and disciplinary innovation, establish new intellectual networks and affiliations, respond to emerging social and political challenges, engage new publics in humanities research and help to shape public policy.

The center stimulates and promotes a variety of multidisciplinary research networks, and collaborative scientific research between different generations in Academia, alongside a spring and autumn schools designed to forge new connections and open up fresh intellectual pathways.

Research community includes students from BA, MA, levels, as well as Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers working on its diverse range of multidisciplinary projects, which often involve international collaborations.

The modern leading university of Europe and US are not only educational institution, but both are important research centers whose activities largely determines the progress of almost all fields of science: natural sciences, engineering, economic, humanitarian, social, etc. This in turn helps to improve the quality and efficiency of educational processes.


Based on the above activities of Interdisciplinary Research Center of the International Black Sea University pursues the following goals and objectives:

  1. supportandpromotion  of the development of new areas of research;
  2. promotion of the involvement of students of  all three levels of education in scientific activities of the University;
  3. provision of comprehensive assistance:
  4. for faculties’ members and students of all three levels of education in raising standards and improving the quality of research;
  5. in organizing of workshops for students and doctoral programs to improve the scientific level and the quality of dissertations;
  6. in organizing and conducting educational and scientific seminars as a general educational and special characters;


The main directions of scientific and interdisciplinary activities of the Research Center of the International Black Sea University are:

  1. the methods of general statistics;
  2. the methods of analysis of random processes and time series, and their applications to the problems of the theory of engineering systems;
  3. method of simulation and mathematical modeling of complex systems;
  4. methods of econometrics analysis of economic and financial processes and systems;
  5. the methods of psychometrics for the analysis of cognitive problems of learning processes;
  6. Methods of the theory of tests and other methods of knowledgemetrics and their implementation to improve the quality of learning processes at the university.


Mission of the direction is to facilitate development of the appropriate environment for conducting the economic research and to create a new pool of knowledge through provision of analytical studies, which will be accessible for the specialists and distinguished youth working in this field.

Information provided by the Direction will support formation of the unbiased opinion, correct assessment of the current events and design of the strategies which incorporate best practices.



Through cooperation with the leading experts of the country, facilitation of the impartial and qualified research, we will become:

  • Timely suppliers of the most reliable data
  • Research center of the regional significance
  • Innovators in the field of the economic research


Goals & Objectives

  • Supply and facilitation of the qualified and timely research on economic issues;
  • Complex study and assessment of the current economic problems;
  • Application of the economic forecasting techniques;
  • Discovery of new economic opportunities;
  • Provision of reliable information to the local and international organizations and other interested persons;
  • Enhancement of services in the field of economic research and support of scientific activity.



  • Cooperation with the experienced experts, professors, researchers, interested organizations;
  • In-depth research and processing of the available information;
  • Hold seminars, conferences and discussions on economic issues;
  • Application of the models implemented and designed in the leading countries and their adjustment to the local market;
  • Complex study of the economic issues;
  • Involvement of the society in the process of elaboration of the economic policy.



Student Conference 

On 29 May, 2017, the Economic Research Center organized the student conference on: “The main aspects of Georgian fiscal and monetary policies”. IBSU and other Georgian universities BA and MA students were welcomed to participate in conference.

All participant students were awarded with certificates. Winner students were awarded with financial prizes and gifts.



Economic Research Direction


Phone: +9952595005 (195)

Prof. Dr. Eka Avaliani
Director of Center for Interdisciplinary Studies
Doctor of Historical Sciences

Prof. Dr. Roman Gotsiridze
Head of the Economic Research Direction
Doctor of Economic Sciences

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tamta Tskhovrebadze
Affiliate Associate Professor in International Relations
Doctor of Political Science

Givi Amaglobeli
Invited Lecturer
PhD-c in Philosophy

Center for Interdisciplinary Research