Honolia Chisepo is International student at International Black Sea University.
My name is Honolia Chisepo from Malawi. I am studying in the Faculty of Computer Science at the bachelor’s level. I chose IBSU because it offers a strong program in technology and computer science. I found out about the university through its website and recommendations from international students. At first, I was a bit nervous about moving alone to another country, at the same time I was so excited to live abroad. I was worried about the language barrier and adapting to a new culture. However, over time, I realized that Georgia is a welcoming country, and I have felt comfortable here. It has been a learning experience, especially in terms of culture and lifestyle. I have improved my independence, problem-solving skills, and adaptability. I have also learned how to communicate better with people from different cultural background. Studying in a different country has broadened my perspective. I have learned to appreciate cultural diversity and different ways of thinking. It has also made me more open-minded and adaptable to new situations. Mostly I like the supportive learning environment and the quality of education. The university provides good academic resources, and the teachers are approachable and helpful. The International Relations Department has been helpful in making my transition smoother. They provide useful information and support for international students, which has made it easier to adjust to student life. I enjoy living in the café because is the most precious place for me. My classmates are friendly and helpful. They are open to discussions and willing to assist when needed, which makes the learning environment more enjoyable.
interview conducted by Phaik Ramazanovi, a student intern at the Department of International Relations