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  • 12/09/2017

Faculty of Social Sciences Announces Project “Student Initiative”

International Black Sea University, Faculty of Social Sciences announces the competition of Student Initiatives. Student or Group of students of any programme of FSS can introduce the project of professional activities to be discussed and supported by the board of the faculty.

The project should be introduces in the framework of the specialties existing at the faculty – Economics, International Relations, Public Administration and Journalism. It should serve to the development of professional skills and knowledge of the participant students. Event can be undertaken in Georgian as well as in English language. The Project of the event should be filled in relevant language.

For registering student or the group of students should submit the filled form of the project printed or electronically. In case of acceptance of the project author/s should organize the event under supervision of the program coordinators within indicated dates.


Nino Samkharadze, Study Process Administration

Office: A512


Important Dates:

Submitting the projects: Throughout the current semester;

Introducing the report of the project:  within one week from the project.

Faculty of Social Sciences wishes you good luck!