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  • 09/02/2018

Ambassador of the United States Richard Norland was at IBSU

On November 5, United States Ambassador to Georgia Richard Norland has attended the “7th Annual American Studies International Conference” of the Faculty of Education and Humanities at the International Black Sea University. Richard Norland is an American diplomat. He was nominated by President Barack Obama to serve as the United States Ambassador to Georgia and was confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Before becoming Ambassador to Georgia, Ambassador Norland was International Affairs Advisor/Deputy Commandant at the National War College in Washington, D.C.  He served as U.S. Ambassador to Uzbekistan from September 2007 to July 2010.  The conference speakers were: Tara Kelly – Master of Science in Historic Preservation, Executive Director Friends of The Upper East Side Historic Districts, New York, NY, USA; and Timothy K. Blauvelt – Head of the U.S Councils in Georgia.

During the conference the students and professors of International Black Sea University delivered the speeches. In their reports they touched/mentioned the issues that are directly related to: American history and culture; Education system and programs; the country’s importance in the international arena; the relationship between the United States and Georgia; well as the opportunities that United States offer to Georgian students.

You are aware that the “American Studies Conference” at the Faculty of Education and Humanities is held annually, where students and professors of the International Black Sea University are actively involved in, as well as Americanists from other Georgian Universities.