- 31/01/2020
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International Relations programme of the International Black Sea University hosts Mr. Romain Strasser, a guest lecturer, invited from the European Parliament. Mr. Strasser will deliver a short lecture
IBSU signed a bilateral agreement with TEXAS A&M University, KINGSVILLE of Economics, Metropolitan University Prague and Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics. The bilateral agreement
Project: “Business Plan Competition: Businessman versus Investors” On December 23, 2019 under the framework of the obligatory course of educational program “BUS111 Introduction to Business Administration”
On December 21, within the U.S. Foreign Policy academic course program, U.S. Embassy Cultural Affairs Officer Mr. Julius Tsai met with the fourth year students of the American Studies Program. Mr. Tsai
On 20th of December, 2019 ın the Faculty of Business and Technologies, hold a lecture-semınar on a topıc “economic freedom and private property as a guarantor of freedom” the seminar and lecture