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    • 16/04/2019

    Date Update: Public Lecture by Exactpro Systems

    We had previously announced that the public lecture by Exactpro Systems was postponed. Here's the new date. The lecture is going to be held on May 6th at 16:00 in the room 214 in building A.
    • 16/04/2019

    Further Progress on Accreditation!

    Last Saturday, April 13, a focused group meeting on program development was held in our faculty. The meeting was very beneficial towards the process and is going to be repeated until the goal is achieved.
    • 15/04/2019

    ELSA-ს პრეზენტაცია

    Elsa-სა და შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტის სამართლის ფაკულტეტის სტუდენტებს