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    • 20/03/2018

    ვიზიტი ერგნეთის ომის მუზეუმში

    2018 წლის 19 მარტს შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტის საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების

    • 20/03/2018

    Standards of Academic Writing

    On the 16th of March the event “Standards of Academic Writing” was held by Irakli Kiknadze. The purpose of the project was to promote “IBSU-pedia” and develop students’ academic

    • 19/03/2018

    Meeting with Guram Sherozia

    On March 19 the Faculty of Business Management organized the meeting with Guram Sherozi – Sales/Marketing consultant at MCI Group Georgia, talk show host and invited lecturer at International Black