On October 18, the second lecture of the project “Success Guide: Economic Freedom Lesson” was held jointly at the International Black Sea University. by NGO “European Youth Center”
On October 13, the first lecture of the project “Success Guide: Economic Freedom Lesson” was held jointly by NGO “European Youth Center” and “New Economic School – Georgia”
On 20th of October, at the International Black Sea University, Young Economists Club with the support of the Economic Policy Center, organized a public lecture-discussion with topic – “Liquidity
On October 13th, senior students of the Bachelor Program of Journalism at Black Sea International University, who are doing a course of writing and reporting for magazines, visited Pankisi Gorge. Students
On October 15th, Junior students of the Bachelor Program of Journalism at Black Sea International University conducted a journalistic expedition in Stepantsminda, under the supervision of Oliko Tsiskarishvili,
From the 6th to the 16th of October, 2017, International Black Sea University was hosting Richard Bales – former Dean and currently a professor at Ohio Northern University College of Law. The guest
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Faculty of Social Sciences conducts the programme of financing or co-financing postgraduate students for international research projects. Project aims to encourage students’ involvement in international
Faculty of Social Sciences conducts the programme of financing or co-financing the students for various local or international projects. Project aims to encourage students’ involvement in international