Abstract Applicants willing to participate in the conference are invited to submit their abstracts in Georgian or in English complying with the following requirements: The abstracts should include maximum
Jury which consists of the experienced field specialists will choose the best work from each of the sections author(s) of which will be awarded with 100GEL present card from the Faculty of Social Sciences,
Final works of the participants will be evaluated by an Academic Commission: International Relations and Political Science Dr. Ivanna Machitidze – Associate Professor, International Black Sea
We are looking for motivated individuals, students and young professionals from various fields able to discuss challenges to the regional stability from different perspectives. In particular: Junior and
Applicants are encouraged to explore following topics in local as well as comparative perspectives: a Economics a -Economic reforms, policies and business development in the Caucasus Region-South Caucasus
- Sorry, this entry is only available in Geo.
ჰოლანდიაში, ქ. ამსტერდამში ჰუგო სინზიმერის ინსტიტუტის მიერ ჩატარდა იმიტირებული
Sophomore year students of Law Faculty participated at the ninth round of the Public Speaking Skills Development Competition ‘So You Think You Can Speak ?!’ Participants imitated speeches of
25 ოქტომბერს შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტს ეწვია საქართველოს ადვოკატთა