Dr. Besik Dundua obtained a research grant (see the abstract of the project below) from Rustaveli foundation and seeking a research assistant to include in the project. Duration of the project is 2 years and the total salary is 9000 Gel. If you are interested to take part in the project please register
The goal of the project is to develop a powerful formalism for rule-based probabilistic programming, to study its meta-properties, to implement it, and to carry out some practical experiments.
We aim at introducing probabilistic strategies in ฯLog calculus and to study semantics of such formalism. We also propose an extension of ฯLog which will be capable to process probabilistic data. One of the main sub-goals of the project is to study strong normalization property of probabilistic ฯLog calculus. The obtained probabilistic calculus will be implemented as a prototype programming tool on top of PฯLog, and some of its possible application areas will be explored.