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Exchange Program


Faculty of computer science and engineering is pleased to announce exchange programs for the fall semester.

List of Universities and deadlines:

  1. Beijing institute of Technology 10-May
  2. University of Applied Sciences Zwickau 12-Apr
  3. Vistula University 10-May
  4. University of Lodz 10-May
  5. Brno University of Technology 15-Mar
  6. Riga Technical University 10-May
  7. Polytechnic Institute of Braganca 25-Mar
  8. University of Science and Technology Not indicated
  9. North China University of Technology Not indicated
  10. University of Business, Arts and technology (RISEBA) 1-May


  1. Minimum GPA: 75
  2. English Level: B2
  3. 2 Letters of Recommendation
  4. CV
  5. Motivation Letter


For the additional information visit A323.