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  • 15/06/2021

Call for papers for the Contemporary Law Journal!

Dear authors/prospective authors,
We are glad to announce a call for papers for the Contemporary Law Journal!
The Contemporary Law Journal (CLJ) is an official scholarly referred multi-disciplinary and peer-reviewed scientifically indexed journal of the Faculty of Law, International Black Sea University. The journal includes the following rubrics: Scientific Articles, Forum of Practicing Lawyers, Students’ forum, Translations of Distinguished Scientific Works, Court Practice Analysis, Significant Legislative News, Significant Scientific Publications. The aim of the Journal is to analyze different issues and provide readers with new perspectives on topics in Legal studies.

🔎The Circle of Researchers

The circle of persons, whose works will be published in the journal, is not limited. Works of experienced researchers, as well as beginners, are acceptable. Students’ input in researches and generalizing their results will be exceptionally promoted. What’s more, we are open to researches performed through the interdisciplinary methodology.
IBSU’s students will be encouraged to get involved in the project – “Georgian Court Practice Research”, results of which will be presented in the specific rubric of the journal

🔎Periodicity, referring, format
The journal will be published, at least, once a year. Taking the number of presented materials into account, we consider issuing special publications, for any specific sub-field or group of authors, especially students’ forum.
The materials to be published will be edited by foreign specialists. The editors’ board will decide upon publishing an article. The board will be comprised of IBSU’s academic staff, as well as other distinguished specialists.
The publication will be bilingual: Georgian and English. Authors are required to hand the work in both languages. Hard copies, as well as online versions of the journal, will be available.

📧To present an article, one should send it to the following e-mail:;
Please indicate “Article for the Contemporary Law Journal” in the Subject line