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    • 18/05/2016

    Visiting Tech Park (18.05.2016)

    On 18 May, students of the faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering of International Black Sea University visited Tech Park. They’ve got information regarding working principles of the newest

    • 05/05/2016

    Visiting Singular

    On 4 May, sophomore students of the Computer Technologies and Engineering Faculty of International Black Sea University visited Singular’s Tbilisi office. They get information regarding what company

    • 05/05/2016


    International Black Sea University is hosted 2nd annual Seed of Hope University Lecture Series on April 13-14-15, 2016. SOH experienced professionals, academicians and scholars delivered 3-day seminars.

    • 04/05/2016

    Training in Entrepreneurship planned in the framework of DAAD-Program

    From 25 April to 28 April, Innovations Laboratory of International Black Sea University was hosting the Training in Entrepreneurship planned in the framework of DAAD-Program University-Business-Partnerships

    • 18/04/2016

    IBSU Job Fair Application Form

    Greetings, Career Planning Center of International Black Sea University is organizing job fair on 20th of April from 10:30 to 15:00. We ask you to share the information among other students and also give

    • 15/04/2016

    Parallel Computing Seminar

    On Thursday, 21 April, at 12:00, Innovation Laboratory of the International Black Sea University will host the seminar. The event name is:Parallel Computing. Meeting will be given by Adjunct Professor