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    • 04/06/2018

    Internal Mobility Dates (Spring Semester)

    See Internal Mobility Dates of Spring Semester through the link:
    • 22/05/2018

    Economics For Beginners

    Duration of the project is two days. * On the first day organizers of the project – trainers will introduce to the participants project format and rules. Participants will be divided into groups

    • 18/05/2018

    Giorgi Kapanadze’s public lecture

    On May 8th, the founder of the International Media Group, Giorgi Kapanadze delivered a public lecture on “The Influence of Alternative Media Outlets in Georgia” at the International Black Sea

    • 14/05/2018

    Educational Tour to Revenue Service

    On May 4, “Revenue Service” of the Ministry of Finance had organized  the educational tour, “We pay taxes and create a secure future”, in which economics programme students of

    • 01/05/2018

    Meeting with Journalism Program Students

    From April 16th till April 20th, Magda Memanishvili, the coordinator of the BA programme in Journalism met all four-year students. During the meeting, the coordinator discussed with students their views

    • 23/04/2018

    8th International Research Conference on Education, Language and Literature

    The Faculty of Education and Humanities is organizing the 8th International Research Conference on Education, English Language Teaching, English Language and Literature in English (IRCEELT 2018) which