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Contemporary Law Journal

The Bilingual Scientific Journal of Law School of the International Black Sea University “Contemporary Law Journal” is an international peer-reviewed periodical aimed at promoting scientific, research, practical and academic discussion.

The journal is published once a year in Georgian and English.

Papers for publication in the journal are selected through an open admission or a special rule defined by the editors.

The admission is announced through the university and faculty websites and social media pages of the university.

A paper submitted for publication is subject to substantive review. For substantive review, the work is sent to one of the members of the editorial board in accordance with the sectoral direction, which provides closed (blind) review of an article. The author of the paper also does not know the identity of the reviewer(s).

The journal acknowledges and respects the rules of academic and scientific ethics.

Authors are required to follow the rules of ethics. Plagiarism in papers published in the journal is prohibited, the author(s) must ensure accurate and correct citation of the sources of information given in the paper.

In case of a violations detected in the paper published in the journal, any person has the right to apply to the editorial board of the journal by the following e-mail: Lawfaculty@ibsu.edu.ge and request an examination of the issue and appropriate response.


  1. Ketevan Kokrashvili

Doctor of Law, Dean of the School of Law, International Black Sea University, Professor.

  1. Nona Zubitashvili

Doctor of Law, Deputy Dean of the International Black Sea University School of Law, Associate Professor

  1. Tea Kbiltsetskhlashvili

Doctor of Business Administration, Vice-Rector for Education and Science, International Black Sea University. Professor.


Editorial Board:

  1. Lado Chanturia

Doctor of Law. Judge of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Professor at the University of Kiel, Institute of Eastern European Law.

  1. Eliko Tsiklauri-Lamikhi

Doctor of Law. Professor at the Max Planck Institute for International Criminal Law (Freiburg)

  1. Zurab Chechelashvili

Doctor of Law. Professor at the International Black Sea University

  1. Zviad Rogava

Doctor of Law. Professor at the International Black Sea University

  1. David Geferidze

Doctor of Law. Professor at the International Black Sea University

  1. Besik Meurmishvili

Doctor of Law. Professor at the International Black Sea University

  1. Andrea Boron

Doctor of Law. Associate Professor at the International Black Sea University

  1. Dilshod Umarov

Doctor of Law, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Continuing Education, Tashkent State University of Law, Professor

  1. Richard Bales

Professor, University of Northern Ohio

  1. Andrea Rousseau

Professor, Campaign University, Luigi Vanvitel

  1. Marco Segesio

Professor, University of Milan, Comparative and European Law

  1. Giovanna Carunno

Professor at the University of Rome

  1. Valentina Rita Scott

Professor, Koch University,

  1. Francesco Buckin

Professor, University of Bicocca, Milan

  1. Gabriele Crespi Regis

Professor, University of St. Petersburg

16. Wilhelm Hauser

Professor. Dr. h.c, The HTW saar. Saarbrucken.

  1. The author application and the paper to be published will be accepted via e-mail: Lawfaculty@ibsu.edu.ge;
  2. The paper should be presented in MS Word format, sylfaen font should be used, the volume of the paper should not exceed 25 pages (about 40 000 words), the font size – 11, distance – 1.5. The upper and lower edges should be: 2.5 cm, left and right: 2.5 cm.
  3. The scientific paper should be written in Georgian and English (by American or British standard, but not by mixing them).
  4. Plagiarism in papers published in a journal is not allowed. The author / authors must provide an accurate and correct references in their paper(s).
  5. The paper should include:
  6. a) Name of the author (indicate first and last name, academic degree, position (if any). Indicate in the application the full postal address, country, e-mail and telephone number, if available);
  7. b) the title (must be in bold);
  8. c) abstract (includes brief information (200-300 words) about the content of the article (in Georgian and English);
  9. d) Key words: 4-6 words that best reflect the content of the paper;
  10. e) Introduction (includes the urgency of the paper);
  11. f) the main text;
  12. g) Conclusion (includes findings, possible recommendations and future perspectives)


  1. In the footnote we use sylfaen, font size -9.
  2. Abbreviations (acronyms), basic text formatting and citation standards. citation:
  3. a) It is desirable to use commonly accepted acronyms (e.g., etc.). In some cases, lesser-known abbreviations may also be used (eg, CC – Civil Code of Georgia, CC – Labor Code, CEC – Central Election Commission, etc.). The first use of the acronym is indicated in parentheses after the full name;
  4. b) When quoting a normative act, indicate the full title, date, number and web address of an act from an official website of the Legislative Bulletin (in Georgian case); In case of foreign normative acts, – relevant valid internet page (if possible official website) or full print edition data for book, collection, etc.
  5. c) In the main text it is allowed to indicate only the information or analysis necessary for the achievement of the goal that is directly related to the title of the paper. Additional information is available in the footnote.
  6. d) Punctuation marks at the end of the quoted text – point, colon, semicolon, question and exclamation marks are put before the quotation mark when they complete the sentence and after the quotation mark, depending on the context, if the quotation mark belongs to a particular word or phrase;
  7. e) When a word is preceded by a quotation mark, a punctuation mark and a footnote, we must follow the following sequence: 1. quotation mark, 2. punctuation mark, 3.  footnote (if the footnote does not belong to any of the terms inside the quotation mark); At the end of the quoted text (sentence): 1. Punctuation mark, 2. quotation mark, 3. Footnote mark. Two quotation marks are not written together. Even in the case of brackets, their different norms can be used.


  1. When using literary sources, it is necessary to indicate:
  2. a) for the book – author’s surname (s), initials of the name, title of the book (without quotation marks), part, volume number (if necessary), publisher, place of publication, year, page (without p.);
  3. b) for the collection article – surname of the author(s) of the article, initials of the name, title of the article (without quotation marks), title of the collection (without quotation marks), indicating by whom it is published, part, volume number (if necessary), publisher, Place of publication, year, page (without p.);
  4. c) For a journal (newspaper) article – surname of the author(s) of the article, initials, title of the article (without quotation marks), type of periodical abbreviated (journal, newspaper), name (in quotation marks), number, year (month, number), page (without p.); All bibliographic elements of foreign sources must be indicated in the language of the original, or in the language in which it is communicated to the author (with reference to the relevant official translation).

Georgian sources in English translation are indicated in translated form with the same standard for Georgian reference.

Material obtained through the Internet requires an indication of the relevant website and the date of the last update of the latter; In case of an article, the author’s last name, title of the article, website, date should be indicated. Triangular brackets (<….>) indicate the email address, and square brackets ([….]) indicate the date of the last update.

  1. d) for decisions of international courts and other countries:

The names of cases and their decisions are used in the text in Georgian, while the full original language/version can be given in the same place, or indicated in a footnote in the following order: disputing parties, year, publishing body, page, court. It is also possible to use the standard citation on the official website.

For example: For the British courts: The case of Argyll v. Argyll (Argyll v. Argyll, [1967] 1Ch 302,324, .332))

  1. e) for decisions of national courts:

It is necessary to maintain the official national style. In the absence of a standard national approach, the author should be guided by the following basic rule:

Cases should be distinguished when applying Georgian court decisions:

  1. The decision is published,
  2. It is possible to get acquainted with it in the official electronic source,
  3. Available only in the court archives and formulate unified approaches.


Procedure for certification of documents of international organizations:

Used in a style officially used by an international organization (see official websites).

References to conventions and international agreements:

Conventions and international agreements are indicated; example:

1985   Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, International Legal Materials, 1985, 1520.