Requirements set for entrants/students with the right to study without passing the unified national exams
Full information can be found in the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia dated December 29, 2011 No. 224/N " On approval of the procedure for submission and review of documents by entrants/students who have the right to study in a higher educational institution without passing unified national exams
According to this regulation, studying without passing the unified national exams is permitted:
a) for foreign nationals and stateless individuals who obtained a full general education or its equivalent abroad; or for foreign nationals and stateless individuals (apart from those who simultaneously hold Georgian citizenship) who obtained a full general education or its equivalent in Georgia in accordance with foreign or international programs acknowledged by Georgia;
b) for Georgian nationals who completed their last two years of a full general education program abroad and obtained a full general education there, or its equivalent;
c) for foreign nationals who have studied and obtained credits or qualifications in a foreign higher education institution that is accredited in line with this country's legal requirements (apart from students taking part in joint higher education programs and exchange students);
d) for Georgian citizens who, during one of their semesters in an educational institution, spent at least 75 days studying abroad at a higher education institution recognized by this country's laws (apart from students taking part in joint higher education programs and exchange education programs), and who lived, studied, and received credits or qualifications abroad. (See the conditions outlined in the aforementioned rule's Article 2, Clause 8, subparagraph "f").