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  • 05/04/2017

FSS Announces New Stage of Students’ Ranking System!

Faculty of Social Sciences announces registration for fourth wave of Students’ Ranking System!

Students’ Ranking System (SRS) is a project initiated by the Faculty of Social Sciences which is aimed at launching a ranking system in accordance with students’ active engagement in extracurricular activities as well as their academic performance.


Check important dates for spring semester, 2016-2017 Academic Year:

Submitting Documents: 06.02.2016 – 16.06.2017

Collecting Points: 06.02.2016 – 16.06.2017

Announcing the Results: 20.06.2017

Additional Procedures: 20.06.2017 – 27.06.2017

Publishinf Final Results: 30.07.2017


FSS wishes you good luck!