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  • 23/03/2018

Academic Writing Seminar for IBSU Lecturers

On March 22, 2018, English Language Fellow Kevin Hirschi led an Academic Writing Summit at International Black Sea University (ISBU). The event brought more than 30 lecturers, administrators and graduate students together from a variety of disciplines to investigate the importance of learning through academic writing, review the standards and approaches of integrating academic writing in discipline-specific courses used by global institutions, review sample student work, and begin the process of drafting academic writing outcome statements, based on critical thinking and internationally recognized approaches, for IBSU students in key stages of their educational process.

The English Language Fellows program, a program of the U.S. Department of State, partners with IBSU to host Fellow Kevin Hirschi for the academic years of 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. Kevin has taught and tutored academic writing for ESL and EFL students in several countries and has conducted research on the needs of L2 writers in major-specific courses as well as assessment design for L2 writers at the university level. Video     Photos