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Erasmus + Staff Mobility Akademia Mazowiecka w Płocku


Dr. Irma Mesiridze, Associate Professor of the School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences of the International Black Sea University, visited Mazov University in Poland within the framework of Erasmus + Staff Mobility and Internal Institutional Agreement.

Professor Irma Mesiridze met with the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Information Technologies of Mazov University, Associate Professor, Dr. Agnieska Rumianovska, Vice-Chancellor of the College of Medicine, Associate Professor Dr. Mariola Glovatska and Vice-Chan of the Faculty of Law, Administration, and Economics, Dr. Bogdan Gruzinski. The parties discussed future opportunities to strengthen cooperation within Erasmus+.

In parallel with the meetings, Irma Mesiridze held a lecture on “Globalization, Cultural Identity and Social Justice in Education” at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of Mazov University. “

Also, during his visit to Poland, IBSU Medical School Professor Mzia Tsiklauri presented a presentation on the basic aspects of Medical Education Modeling (OSCE), First Aid and Cardiopulosis (CPR).

Dr. Irma Mesiridze, an Affiliated Associate Professor at the School of Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences at International Black Sea University, recently visited Mazovian University in Poland as part of the Erasmus + Programme for Staff Mobility and Interinstitutional Agreement between the two universities.

During her visit, Dr. Mesiridze met with key university leaders, including Associate Professor Dr. Agnieszka Rumianowska, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences, MD/PhD Associate Professor Mariola Glowacka, Vice-Rector for Collegium Medicum, and Dr. Bogdan Gruzinski, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law, Administration, and Economics. At the meetings, the parties discussed future opportunities to enhance their Erasmus+ collaboration.

To accomplish teaching mobility, Dr. Irma Mesiridze delivered a lecture at the Faculty of Law, Administration, and Economics on the topic: “Globalization, Cultural Identity and Social Justice in Education.”

Mzia Tsiklauri, IBSU Professor, Clinical Skills Laboratory also presented key aspects of Modeling Medical Education (OSCE), First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).