American Professors Visiting IBSU: Working On A New Master Program
On February 28 and March 3 guests from the United States of America – Richelle Rogers, Director of Digital Media Master program at Loyola University, and Denise Mattson from De Paul University – visited International Black Sea University. The visit was organized within the Media Educational Program by the US Embassy in Georgia.
During two days workshops and consultations were held with the affiliated professors and invited lecturers who are involved in IBSU’s new Master program – Digital Media and Communications (head of the program Professor Dali Osepashvili). It is worth mentioning that the new program was developed based on the analogous program of the Loyola University (Chicago, Illinois). Working on the program began during the previous visit of Georgian professors – Dali Osepashvili and Magda Memanishvili – in Chicago on August 2019 and continued on December 2019, when American Professors visited Georgia.
During the conclusive visit American professors delivered public lectures for Students. The topic of the lecture of Richelle Rogers was “Digital Media Literacy”,
theme of the lecture of Denisse Mattson was – “Social Justice in the USA”