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  • “Asian Culture Club” has been founded in IBSU


    “Asian Culture Club” was established at the International Black Sea University. The Rector of the University  attended the opening ceremony. At the event, the club members introduced their future plans to the guests and entertained them with a buffet at the end of the meeting.

  • Event for Francophone students


    An event for Francophone students, La Table des Rois (King’s Table), was organized by the associate professor Inga Tkemaladze and the French intern Sabrina Fage at the International Black Sea University. The students received information about the French Epiphany, its holding, date and traditi...

  • Kick-off meeting


    At the kick-off meeting within the Erasmus project KA 220, held in Nitra on December 11th-12th, 2023, four partner universities came together to plan cooperation and work on a joint project entitled „Innovation of the Structure and Content of Education in the Field of Economics and Management wit...

  • Erasmus + Staff Mobility Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. The Netherlands.


    As part of the Erasmus + KA107 exchange program, professor Lela Abdushelishvili conducted lectures on strategic and positive business communication for the students of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences at the Think Global Festival from November 21–25, 2023. Besides, Professor Abdush...

  • Training for Francophone students – “I exist, therefore I am successful.”


    In order to promote career advancement for students, a training was held at the Georgian representative office of the Francophonie University Agency – “I exist, therefore I am successful” (Je suis DONC Je réussis). The training was conducted by Inga Tkemaladze, the French language lecturer of ...

  • IBSU student team finished third in AUF competition in Bucharest


    The IBSU student team participated in the AUF competition in Bucharest. The team of Ismail Agajanov, Natali Abesadze, Eter Ivanidze, and Nino Dolidze took third place, the prize fund of which is 300 euros. The AUF competition was announced as part of a regional effort to foster student entrepr...