International Relations

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  • Erasmus + Staff Mobility,Mykolas Romeris University


    Prof. Birute  Mockevičienė and Prof. Dr.Giedre Valunaite Oleskeviciene Mykolas Romeris University (Poland) Visited International Black University in the framework Erasmus + KA107 Exchange Program. The guests Participated in International week and extracurricular activities, Tour, and Georgian ...

  • The first International Week (IBSUIW)


    nternational Black Sea University (IBSU) hosted Guests from HTW Dresden, Mykolas Romeris University, Kozminski University, and Universidad Internacional de Canarias within the framework of 1st International Week and Erasmus+ mobility. As part of the program, Guests  participated in ...

  • Students from HTW Dresden University


    International Black Sea University (IBSU) hosted a group of students from HTW Dresden University within the framework of 1st International Week from October 15 to October 17. As part of the program, they participated in various curricular and extracurricular activities, were involve...

  • IBSU hosts 18th International Silk Road Conference


    IBSU is hosting the 18th International Silk Road Conference. The two-day conference, attended by about 80 scientists from 14 nations, will focus on Russia’s war in Ukraine and its impact on the South Caucasus and neighboring countries. More than 80 scientists from 14 countries take part in ...

  • Public lecture on Project Management


    Devexperts representative Olga Miroshnikova delivered a lecture for IBSU Computer Science program students on Project Management. The speaker presented students with current project management techniques, project planning, organization, and control methods. Devexperts  trainer provided deta...

  • IBSU lecturers attend International Conference in Athens


    Head of the Conferences and Publications Office at the International Black Sea University Dr. Givi Amaglobeli and Head of the U.S. Foreign Affairs MA Program Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tea Chumburidze participated in the 4th International Conference on Environmental Design, (ICED 2023) held in Athens, Gree...