International Relations

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  • IBSU collected essential items for earthquake victims in Turkey


    The International Black Sea University (IBSU) collected the necessary items for the victims of the devastating earthquake in Turkey. IBSU academic and administrative staff, students, and alumni participated in the charity event. The collected items have been sent today.

  • IBSU hosted International students for the Iftar dinner


    IBSU hosted international students for the Iftar dinner, which is traditionally organized every year. International students exchanged their experiences of living in Georgia. Some students brought their national food to share their traditional cuisine. International students were asked to partici...

  • The Tamar Shioshvili Center for American Studies was opened at the International Black Sea University


    The Tamar Shioshvili Center for American Studies was opened at the International Black Sea University US Ambassador to Georgia Kelly Degnan attended the opening ceremony The Tamar Shioshvili Center for American Studies houses a library that has been filled with books donated to the American...

  • Collaborations With Marwadi University (India)


    Dr. Amit V Sata, Associate Dean of Innovation & Entrepreneurship & Professor of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Marwadi university (India) visited IBSU to discuss possible collaboration between the schools of our universities.On December 20th the MoU was signed between IBSU and M...

  • A festival of Korean culture was held at IBSU


    A festival of Korean culture was held at the International Black Sea University, organized by the Korean Language and Culture Student Club. Ambassador of South Korea to Georgia Kim Tong Ob attended the event, as well as representatives of the Georgian-Korean Bridge (GKB). The festival was o...

  • International students of IBSU had the opportunity to participate in the activities of Lingo Quest language club.


    International students of IBSU had the opportunity to participate in the activities of the Lingo Quest language club. Students and members of the administration had the opportunity to get acquainted with the cultural and linguistic features of such foreign countries as Fiji, Egypt, Turkey, Kyr...