International Relations

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  • Tourism Program Coordinator at NIBS Annual Conference in Harbin


    Tourism Program Coordinator, Assoc. Professor Tinatin Kublashvili represented International Black Sea university at NIBS Annual Conference in Harbin, China in May 2019. The Network of International Business Schools (NIBS) is an association of business schools from around the world, united by a sh...

  • Visit at ISAG to enhance cooperation


    Vice-Rector of External Affairs of IBSU, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Goderdzi Buchashvili and the Dean of the Faculty of Business Management, Prof. Dr. Tea Kbiltsetskhlashvili participated in the International Week organized by the European Business School (ISAG) in Porto, Portugal on 6-10 may, 2019. Partic...

  • Public lecture of Mercedes Vera Martin on the topic: The Global Outlook and Its Implications for the Georgian Economy


    On May 3, Faculty of Business Management hosted Mercedes Vera Martin – Deputy Division Chief in Division G at the IMF’s Middle East and Central Asia Department. The topic of the Public Lecture was: The Global Outlook and Its Implications for the Georgian Economy. Mercedes Vera Martin is Deputy...

  • PAICKT Representatives visit at IBSU


    4th of April, 2019 PAICKT (Project of Academic Integrity in the Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Turkey) Representatives visited International Black Sea University. Administrative and Academic Staff Members of the Faculty of Business Management, Director of IPS (Institute of Postgraduate Studies) and Pro...

  • Visit From Constantine Philosopher University In Nitra, Slovakia


    Visit From Constantine Philosopher University In Nitra, Slovakia

  • Informative Meeting: Stockholm School of Economics in Riga


    On March 21, 2019 Georgian Ambassador of Stockholm School of Economics – Akaki Tkeshelashvili, hold presentation for students and introduced university, study process, programme and courses, and shared other interesting information to students.