On December 4, 2018 the director of the State Museum of Georgian Literature Dr. Lasha Bakradze delivered the public lecture on “The Caucasus States Under the Soviet Governance” upon invitation of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Mr. Bakradze talked about the developments and implications of Sovietization of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. In the framework of the conversation it was reviewed the political-ideological environment in three Caucasian states during that period, influence of the early Soviet elites on the cooperation of those states and the processes related with the end of their statehood. The speaker focused on the challenges related with the multicultural and multiethnic societies of the region and Soviet nomenklatura’s approaches towards the nationalities policy. The speech was followed by the Q&A session through which students were interested in Georgian local political and cultural elites and their behavior and ideas under the Soviet regime.
The lecture took place in the framework of the project “Caucasus in Focus: The Region Analysis in Interdisciplinary Lenses” initiated by the International relations BA program. The lectures were attended by the IR students to be awarded with the certificates by the end of the course. The second stage of the Lecture cycles on the Caucasus region will be relaunched since the Spring Semester at the International Black Sea University.