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The Dean of Law Faculty of IBSU – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ekaterine Bakaradze and the Head of IBSU Legal Clinic – Nana Gamakharia held another meeting with the faculty freshmen at the end of fall semester of 2017-2018 academic year. During

International Black Sea University was visited by Italian professors: Valentina Rita Scott, Giovanna Caruno, Marco Segesio, Andrea Borroni in the frame of Legal Clinic. In the frame of the course of International Business Transactions, visiting lecturers will deliver lectures. Italian guests

17 ნოემბერს შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტის სტუდენტური თვითმმართველობის ინიციატივით აღინიშნა სტუდენტთა საერთაშორისო დღე. მთელი დღის განმავლობაში უნივერსიტეტში გაიმართა სხვადასხვა გასართობი ღონისძიება: EBRU Art (წყალზე ხატვა), ინით ხატვა, Food Festival და სტუდენტების მიერ სპეციალურად ამ დღისთვის ორგანიზებული კონცერტი. მოწვეული იყო მხატვარი ზალიკო სულაკაური. ღონისძიების მიზანი

Sophomore and junior year students of Law Faculty participated at the tenth round of the Public Skills Development Competition-"So You Think You Can Speak?!". Partocipants tried to imitate speeches of various public officials, public figures and civil activists in the

From the 6th to the 16th of October, 2017, International Black Sea University was hosting Richard Bales - former Dean and currently a professor at Ohio Northern University College of Law. The guest had a meeting with the Rector of IBSU

At international black sea university over the course of 27-29 September a training session was held about legal psychology and its modern approaches, organized by Law faculty. The aim of the session was to clarify the mental processes which happen