For sophomore, junior and senior year students!
Registration for 2017-2018 academic year, fall semester starts on August 25, 2017 and ends on September 1, 2017.
Registration will not take place on August 26, 27, 28.
We would like to remind you the rules of registration:
you should choose the courses from your own sis account;
Please, do it before you come to your assistant. It is important courses to be chosen beforehand. It will save the time of assistants and we will avoid traditional long queues on 5th floor
you should come to the program assistant and s/he will confirm your courses;
Visit to Student Affairs Office to sign the courses you have chosen.
?Lectures starts on September 4, 2017.
You can check the link of academic calendar as well:…/study/admissions/academic-calendar
Faculty of Social Sciences wish you good luck!