Local Projects

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  • Georgia at the Crossroads of Empires:

  • Explore the Caucasus, at the Crossroads of Empires


    The interdisciplinary summer school – “Explore the Caucasus, at the Crossroads of Empires” aims to prepare a new course of lectures for students of master’s and doctoral programs, which will be led by Georgian, Caucasian, and foreign scientists. The project is led by International Black Sea University’s associate professor, vice-rector for academic affairs, and invited lecturer.


  • The role of local action groups (LAGs) in rural governance:


    Out of 463 project applications registered for the 2023 State Scientific Grants competition for fundamental research, in cooperation with Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (leading organization), International Black Sea University project: “The Role of Local Action Groups (LAGs) in Rural Governance: political participation and decision-making process at the municipal level” took the 3rd place;

    The participation of International Black Sea University was initiated by the assistant professor of the university, Temur Gugushvili; Affiliated associate professor of the same university, Dr. Tamar Kakutia, also participates in the project; Undergraduate and graduate students will also be involved in the research.