Giorgi Shaduri


He has graduated from three institutions of higher education: Tbilisi I. Javakhishvili State University, Central European University (Budapest, Hungary), and St. Ilia the True Tbilisi National University.

In different periods of time has worked at the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources; Translator/Interpreter at the international non-governmental humanitarian organization ACDI/VOCA; Journalist at the edition Tbilisi Pastimes. From 2004 – Lecturer at International Black Sea University.

Giorgi speaks the Georgian, Russian and English languages fluently. Apart from humanities are interested in the art of radio broadcasting and American traditional music.


  • Reflections on Jonathan Swift’s A Tale of a Tub. Published in Caucasus Journal of Milton Studies of Milton Society of Georgia, Vol. 3, No. 3 (September, 2024).
  • The Puritan and Enlightenment Elements in the Mindset of Main Ideologists of American Revolution.  Published in IBSU “Journal in Humanities” (Vol.2, 2018).
  • The Differences in Contribution of Radical Puritanism  to the English (1642-1688) and American (1775-1783) Revolutions.  Published in IBSU “Journal in Humanities” (Vol.1, 2018).
  • Washington National Cathedral as the Main Spiritual Landmark of America. Published in IBSU “Journal in Humanities” (Vol.2, 2016).
  • John Ward Moorehouse: Cowperwood or Babbitt? Published in IBSU “Journal in Humanities” (Vol.2, 2013).
  • Dualism in Jazz. Published in IBSU “Journal in Humanities” (Vol. 2, 2012).
  • Walking through the Jungle: Upton Sinclair against Capitalism. Published in IBSU “Journal in Humaniies” (Vol. 1, 2012).
  • Protest in the Poetry of Claude McKay. Published in “Intelekti” Periodical Scientific Journal (December, 2010).