Guranda Khabeishvili


Bachelor’s degree in English Philology, International Black Sea University (2012–2016). Earned a Master’s degree in Education Sciences at the University of Latvia (Latvian state scholarship) . Later , she completed a Ph.D. in Education Sciences at International Black Sea University.

Since 2012, she has been actively engaged in international conferences and training sessions both in Georgia and abroad. She has published over 10 articles and 2 books. She participated in Young Leaders Academy organized in the framework of the Tempus IV project in Bulgaria.

Besides, she has volunteer experience from her student years with international organizations, and at the university, serving both as a member of the student council and as president of a student club.

She has been teaching since 2015. Founded the language school “Cambridge Education Corner” in 2019. She was an invited lecturer at Ilia State University from 2018 to 2022 and at Caucasus University from 2019 to 2022. She has been an Associate Professor Doctor at International Black Sea University since 2020.


  • Khabeishvili, G. (2024).Uncovering Students’ Perceptions on Using Interactive Writing Tools. In the 12th European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL2024),London, pp.65-75.
  •  Khabeishvili, G. (2024). Rethinking Our Classrooms: Teachers’ Perceptions on Integrating Transferable Skills in the Classrooms to Create an Active Learning Environment. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 20(8), 194. 
  • Khabeishvili, G. (2024). How to Engage Students in Writing: The Ways to Get Your Students Excited About Writing through the Use of Interactive Writing Tools. In the 14th International Research Conference on Education, Language & Literature Proceedings, Tbilisi, pp. 96-106.
  • Khabeishvili, G. (2023). The readiness of prospective teachers towards 21 century teaching practices (A case of Higher Education Institutions in Georgia). In the 13th International Research Conference on Education, Language & Literature Proceedings, Tbilisi, pp. 36-46.
  • Khabeishvili, G. (2022). The ways of integrating transferable skills in your classroom.In the 12th International Research Conference on Education, Language & Literature Proceedings, Tbilisi, pp. 132-144.
  • Khabeishvili, G. &Tvaltchrelidze, N (2021). Reimagining classrooms: What if students led the classroom, not teachers? In the 11th International Research Conference on Education, Language & Literature Proceedings, Tbilisi, pp. 85-94.
  • Khabeishvili, G. & Pachuashvili, N. (2020). A learner-centered approach to developing transferable skills through m-learning activities in higher education institutions.In the 10th International Research Conference on Education, Language and Literature Proceedings, Tbilisi, pp. 187-195.
  •  Khabeishvili, G. (2020). The significance of transferable skills development: Has the COVID-19 pandemic revealed skills deficit among students in higher education institutions in Georgia? In N. Doghonadze, J.Krajka, & J.Smeds (eds). Modern Trends in Education in Georgia (vol 3, pp. 166-193). LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
  •  Khabeishvili, G. (2019). Using gamification approach in the classroom to create engagement and active learning. In the  9th International Research Conference on Education, Language and Literature Proceedings, Tbilisi, pp. 134-145.
  •  Khabeishvili, G. (2018). Employability skills development: Are higher  education institutions (HEIs) responsible. In the 8th International Research Conference on Education, Language and Literature Proceedings, Tbilisi, pp. 90-95.
  •  Khabeishvili, G. (2023). Application of student-centered methods in the  classroom (A Case of Higher Education Institutions in Georgia).Polilog. Studia  Institute of Modern Languages of the Pomeranian University in SłupskNeofilologiczne, 183- 193, (13).
  • Khabeishvili, G. (2017). The significance of using concept checking questions (CCQ) in English as a foreign language classroom(EFL). In  the 7th International Research Conference on Education, Language and Literature Proceedings, Tbilisi, pp.223-233. 
  •  Khabeishvili, G. (2019). Creativity in English as a foreign language teaching to young learners. Lambert Academic Publishing. 
  •  Khabeishvili, G. (2019). Promoting generic employability skills development in higher education. Lambert Academic Publishing.