- 27/03/2019
March 22, 2019 the professor of Ilia State University Dr. Oliver Raisner and the researcher of the Soviet Past Research Laboratory David Jishkariani delivered the joint lecture on “The Interwar Caucasus: Creation and Diminishing the New States”. Mr. Jishkariani talked on the Transcaucasian Federation existing in 1922-1936 as the united political formation of Georgians, Azerbaijanis
On March 29th office of the International Relations office will carry out Q & A session for exchange programs, where students can find out more about the exchange programs. Location: Room A – 214. 12 – 3 pm.
Students must prove their valid excuses for the missed examination(s) by submitting the following related documents to the faculty/IPS board: a) Certificate of planned/emergency hospitalization; b) Course overlapping; c) Service in the army; d) Business trips on behalf of IBSU and State Bodies; e) Death of the family member. The excuses must be officially approved.
For more information please follow the link; Information Available just in English
On March 16, 2019 Memorandum of Understanding was signed between SWISS UMEF UNIVERSITY, GENEVA and INTERNATIONAL BLACK SEA UNIVERSITY for obtaining double degrees in the framework of promotion of exchange of students, researchers and faculty staff on undergraduate Master and PhD levels.
Faculty of Social Sciences announces applications for exchange programs in the following Universities: 1)University of Finance and Administration Czech Republic- Deadline 1st of May,Number of Students 2 (Additional Payment 1650$) 2)Lodz University- Deadline 10th of May, Number of Students 5 3)Siauliai University- Deadline 12th of April, Number of Students 1 4)University of International Business and Economics-
Faculty of Social Sciences continues meetings within the lecture cycle “Caucasus in Focus: Analysis of the Region in the Interdisciplinary Period”. On Friday, March 22 at 12:00 pm A101 Conference Hall will be held a discussion on the topic “Inter-Caucasian Caucasus: Birth and Session of Independent States”. Discussions will be delivered by the speakers: –
On March 9-10, a training cycle in Borjomi was held within the framework of the International Black Sea University`s Project “Social Sciences for Beginners”. 200 students of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades participated in this project. Participants have received information on international relations, public administration and state governance, economics and also other important skills
Faculty of education and humanities is offering the exchange opportunities for 2019-2020 academic year fall semester. Faculty has bilateral agreement with the following universities: Vistula university, Poland – 2 vacancies. Internal Deadline 10.05.2019. University of Lodz, Poland – 5 vacancies; Internal Deadline: 10.05.2019 Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences – Summer
D.Aghmashenebeli Alley, 13th km, 2, Tbilisi
+995 322 800 064
Mon-Fri: 9:00-18:00