
    • 03/07/2018

    2nd International Young Scientists’ Conference

    On July 2, 2018, the Second International Young Scientists’ Conference was organized by the Multidisciplinary Research Center at IBSU (Teaching and Learning Research direction).  Thirteen MA and Ph.D. students of the Faculty of Education and Humanities, IBSU and one student from Tbilisi State University presented various researches on education, humanities, and social sciences. The goal of

    • 21/06/2018

    Internship Presentation

    On June 15, 2018 defense of Internship course was held by the direction of International Relations,  Faculty of Social Sciences. At the Defense students of International Relations presented the partner organizations of the faculty which were hosting them as interns. They talked about their responsibilities at the organizations, acquired achievements and the developed skills. Students

    • 14/06/2018

    Closing the project on “Nationalist Narratives and Memory Formation in the Countries of the Former Communist Block”

    On June 12 the project on “Nationalist Narratives and Memory Formation in the Countries of the Former Communist Block” was finalized with closing ceremony in the format of round table. Within the framework of the project participant students from Tbilisi State University and International Black Sea University presented their research papers which were published as

    • 11/06/2018

    Zaza Shengelia`s pubic lecture at IBSU

    Zaza Shengelia delivered a public lecture on “Effective Media Management and Challenges” at the International Black Sea University. It touched upon the transformation of frequency broadcasting and the issue of internet media in the world media market. Zaza Shengelia is the founder of the first independent TV channel “Ibervisia” in Georgia. In 2000, along with

    • 05/06/2018

    Students of journalism visited Svaneti

    Within the framework of the “Writing for Magazine” course, the second year students of Black Sea University and future journalists visited Mestia Municipality in Svaneti. Since the biggest concern of local population is the construction of the hydropower plants, students interviewed Svan activists about their impressions, opinions and position. They acquired additional information that is

    • 05/06/2018

    Journalism students visited psycho rehabilitation center of Gremi

    Students of Journalism Bachelor program at International Black Sea University within the seminar visited psychological rehabilitation center in Gremi, Kakheti. They met with the beneficiaries and the staff members of the Center. Head of the psycho rehabilitation center`s project Vazha Kasrelishvili spoke about the importance of psycho rehabilitation. The visit was organized within the framework