
    • 02/04/2018

    Economics for Beginners First Training

    Social Science Faculty has organized the project “Economics for Beginners” which was held at International Black Sea University on March 30-31. Up to 90 pupils have participated in a project. On the first day of the project, training was conducted on leadership, body language and effective presentation. Also, pupils had the opportunity to examine themselves

    • 29/03/2018

    Lecture Cycle delivered by Dr. Francesco Agnello, the policy advisor in the European Parliament

    Faculty of Social Sciences, International Black Sea University, invited Dr. Francesco Agnello, the Policy advisor in the European Parliament, to deliver the Lectures Cycle in “International Human Rights”. The lecture started on 26 March, 2018 and finished on 28 March, 2018. Through the project International Black Sea University students were acquainted with how human rights

    • 29/03/2018

    Student Consultation Chart Information

    Visit the link to see students consultation chart:

    • 23/03/2018

    Seminar – Research in English Language Teaching and Applied Ling…

    Research in English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics • Program Application The Research in English Language Teaching (ELT) and Applied Linguistics program (AL) is a 5-day, 15-hour program for mid-career professionals in ELT research and AL research in April 2018 at International Black Sea University in Tbilisi, Georgia.English Language Specialist Dr. William Crawford of Northern

    • 23/03/2018

    Academic Writing Seminar for IBSU Lecturers

    On March 22, 2018, English Language Fellow Kevin Hirschi led an Academic Writing Summit at International Black Sea University (ISBU). The event brought more than 30 lecturers, administrators and graduate students together from a variety of disciplines to investigate the importance of learning through academic writing, review the standards and approaches of integrating academic writing

    • 23/03/2018

    (INTERC-18) 2nd International Young Researchers Conference (23.06.2018)

    Conference Web site On June 23, 2018 International Black Sea University will host the 2nd International Young Researchers Conference. Young researchers, graduate / postgraduate, and post doctorate students are invited from Georgia and abroad to share their research on teaching and learning at the primary, secondary, and tertiary level to an interested, young professional audience. The aim of

    • 20/03/2018

    ვიზიტი ერგნეთის ომის მუზეუმში

    2018 წლის 19 მარტს შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტის საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების პროგრამის სტუდენტები და ადმინისტრაციული პერსონალი ომის მუზეუმს ეწვივნენ, რომელიც ოკუპირებული ცხინვალიდან 500 მეტრით დაშორებულ სოფელ ერგნეთში მდებარეობს. ომის მუზეუმი ერგნეთის მკვიდრმა ლია ჩლაჩიძემ დააარსა 2008 წლის აგვისტოს ომის მეცხრე წლისთავზე საკუთარ სახლში, რომელიც ომის დროს დაიბომბა. სტუდენტებსა და ქალბატონ ლიას შორის საინტერესო საუბარი გაიმართა ომთან

    • 14/03/2018

    Academic Writing Seminar for IBSU Lecturers

    Academic Seminar organized by the Faculty of Education & Humanities and the English Language Fellow in Georgia, Kevin Hirschi. Certificate of Attendance will be issued bearing the seal of IBSU and the US Embassy in Georgia. A one-evening event for IBSU lecturers to collaborate, update, and synchronize approaches to academic writing Date: March 22, 2018 Time:

    • 10/03/2018

    British Council English Language Competition

    British Council English Language Competition   British Council in Georgia and Educational Agency ELL are pleased to announce the English Language Competition for Students for a chance to win a two-week study course in the UK The competition is a unique opportunity for students to obtain the British Council Aptis certificate and win one of our amazing prizes: First