
    • 12/09/2017

    Faculty of Social Sciences Announces Project “Student Initiative”

    International Black Sea University, Faculty of Social Sciences announces the competition of Student Initiatives. Student or Group of students of any programme of FSS can introduce the project of professional activities to be discussed and supported by the board of the faculty. The project should be introduces in the framework of the specialties existing at

    • 08/09/2017

    Orientation Meeting for the Freshmen Year Students!

    On September 16th, 2017 the Faculty of Social Sciences organizes the orientation meeting for the freshmen year students. In the framework of the meeting the coordinators of the programs will present the details of study process, basic rules, obligations and rights, other important information such as evaluation system, lecture and exam-related procedures, using electronic resources

    • 07/09/2017

    Orientation Meeting with the Lecturers of the BA Program of Public Administration and State Governance

    Orientation meeting with the lecturers of the BA Program of Public Administration and State Governance was held by the head of the program Mrs. Elene Bendeliani and the representative of the Quality Assurance Office of the Faculty of Social Sciences Mrs. Tamar Karazanishvili. During the meeting there were discussed issues such as the details of