- 12/05/2017
The Political Science and Comparative Politics course hosted Model United Nations spring session over the seminars on 2 and 6 May 2017. The MUN, discussing “Reestablishing UNOMIG Mission to Georgia” showcased the students-cum-delegates from the UN Security Council (US, United Kingdom, Russia, France, and Chine) permanent and non-permanent member states. The delegates presented their position papers, debated, drafted a resolution
International Black Sea University Faculty of Social Sciences in cooperation with Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University organized 5th Joint Student Conference “Caucasus at the Crossroads: Challenges to Regional Stability”. The topic of the conference was extremely comprehensive and focused on variety of issues from regional security to economic development and human rights. The participants had the
On April 10, 2017 the memorandum of understanding between International Black Sea University and Sagarejo Municipal Government was concluded. The document will support the BA and MA programs on the Faculty of Social Sciences through providing practice opportunities for the students. In the framework of memorandum the cooperation in various educational processes will take place
Check in Georgian
Students of International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences participated in analytical TV show “Panorama” in which they had a discussion with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to Georgia Mr. Radu Liviu Horumba. Honorable guest talked about the Security of Black Sea with the journalist Giorgi Tskhvitava and Political Expert Gia Abashidze. Students had the
On March 24 the Director of European Integration Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. David Solomonia delivered the public lecture on “Decision-making in the Process of Visa Liberalization”. In the framework of his visit Mr. Solomonia talked about the political and social importance of visa liberalization process for the country. The speaker reviewed
Another professional visit was organized by Public Administration and State Governance Program. The students visited renewed Citizen’s Service Center Tbilisi Municipality City Hall. They got the information about existing system, through which the citizens will be able to obtain all services in one space. It was presented the plan of installation of electronic service system
The students of Public Administration and State Governance BA program visited renewed Citizen’s Service Center Tbilisi Municipality City Hall. They got the information about existing system, through which the citizens will be able to obtain all services in one space. It was presented the plan of installation of electronic service system because of which very
14 მარტს დაიწყო სოციალურ მეცნიერებათა ცენტრის სემინარების სერია თემაზე„ევროპეიზაცია საქართველოში: პოლიტიკური, სოციალური და კულტურული განზომილებები“. სემინარების სერია ხორციელდება ცენტრის პროექტის „საქართველოს ევროპეიზაციის შესახებ ცნობიერების ამაღლება აკადემიურ სივრცეში“ ფარგლებში Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Activities ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით. პროექტის პირველ დღეს სემინარები ჩატარდა თემებზე ევროპეიზაციის მექანიზმები საქართველოში და უმაღლესი განათლების რეფორმა ევროპეიზაციის კონტექსტში. სემინარებს უძღვებოდნენ თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ასოცირებული
D.Aghmashenebeli Alley, 13th km, 2, Tbilisi
+995 322 800 064
Mon-Fri: 9:00-18:00