Check in Georgian
Check in Georgian
On February 3, 2017 the Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Ekaterine Pipia held consultation meeting with the student focus groups. Dr. Pipia met with the students of International Relations MA Programme. She received recommendations and advises about the quality of teaching, existing challenges and problem-solving prospective from the students
Check in Georgian
An administrator of Public Administration and State Governance BA Program Elene Bendeliani hold an orientation meeting with the lecturers of the program. The meeting was about the study process details in the spring semester. Informing the lecturers about their duties and obligations various bureaucratic rules of study process serve to avoid running the following semester
On December 26the Head of Quality Assurance Service at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Prof. Ekaterine Pipia, organized the workshop for the Facultymembers. The faculty program coordinators and the study process administrators attended the meeting. The goal of the workshop was to discuss the specific details and recommendations for improving the syllabi of BA and
On December 22,2016 administrator of Public Administration and State Governance BA Program Elene Bendeliani met with Mr. Nodar Tangiashvili, the advisor in Public Policy issues at East West Management Institute. Recommendations suggested by the field expert were discussed at the meeting. They talked about the strategies of improving the curricula, balancing practical and theoretical components
On December 21, 2016 the FSS members met with Mr. Archil Abashidze, the Head of MA program of Public Administration. Administrator of Public Administration and State Governance BA Program Elene Bendeliani and Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Social Sciences Dr. Ekaterine Pipia discussed the recommendations suggested by the field expert. They talked about
On December 16, 2016 Ambassador of the European Union to Georgia Mr. Janos Herman delivered the public lecture on “Challenges of Decision-Making Process on the Way of Euro Integration Process”. The meeting was particularly important since the country stepped forward in visa liberalization process. Mr. Ambassador talked about the actual issues such as various obstacles existing