
    • 12/05/2017

    Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Social Sciences Continues Meeting Series With the Students!

    On December 9, 2016 the Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Ekaterine Pipia met with the Junior students of Journalism BA programme. She received recommendations and advises about the quality of teaching, existing challenges and problem-solving prospective from the students with high academic performance. The series of the meetings with

    • 12/05/2017

    იმიტირებული სასამართლო პროცესი საერთაშორისო საჯარო სამართალში

    2016 წლის 6 დეკემბერს სოციალურ მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტის სტუდენტებმა მონაწილეობა მიიღეს იმიტირებულ სასამართლო პროცესში საერთაშორისო საჯარო სამართალში. პროცესის განმავლობაში სტუდენტებმა იმსჯელეს იმ აქტუალურ თემებზე, რაც ხშირად ხდება განხილვის საგანი საერთაშორისო/ევროპული სამართლის სისტემაში. პროცესი გაგრძელდა 2 საათის განმავლობაში. დაძაბული და საინტერესო დებატების შემდეგ მოსამართლეებმა გამოაცხადეს გადაწყვეტილება. ღონისძიებას უძღვებოდა სოციალურ მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტის მოწვეული ლექტორი ნიკო ტატულაშვილი. იმიტირებულ პროცესს

    • 12/05/2017

    Public Lecture Delivered by David Aprasidze on “Challenges on Democratization Process in Georgia”

    Check in georgian

    • 12/05/2017

    Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Social Sciences Continues Meeting Series With the Students!

    On December 8, 2016 the Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Ekaterine Pipia met with the sophomore students of International Relations English BA programme. She received recommendations and advises about the quality of teaching, existing challenges and problem-solving prospective from the students with high academic performance. The series of the

    • 05/04/2017

    Social Sciences for Schoolchildren

    Project “Social Sciences for Schoolchildren” is the set of educational and entertaining events about various fields of Social Sciences. Project is conducted twice in a year – winter session and summer session. Winter Games in Social Sciences Project lasts for 4 days and includes Role games, Intellectual-strategic activities, simulation events and study projects in Economics,

    • 05/04/2017

    FSS Announces New Stage of Students’ Ranking System!

    Faculty of Social Sciences announces registration for fourth wave of Students’ Ranking System! Students’ Ranking System (SRS) is a project initiated by the Faculty of Social Sciences which is aimed at launching a ranking system in accordance with students’ active engagement in extracurricular activities as well as their academic performance.   Check important dates for

    • 27/03/2017

    Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Social Sciences Continues Meeting Series With the Students!

    On December 8, 2016 the Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Ekaterine Pipia met with the Senior students of International Relations Georgian BA programme. She received recommendations and advises about the quality of teaching, existing challenges and problem-solving prospective from the students with high academic performance. The series of the

    • 27/03/2017

    Members of FSS Met with the Representatives of Public Sector

    On December 6 members of the Faculty of Social Sciences hosted the representatives of public sector. Departments of HR at Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Justice of Georgia, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia were presented on the meeting. Guests were met by the Quality Assurance Manager Ekaterine Pipia,

    • 27/03/2017

    Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Social Sciences Continues Meeting Series With the Students!

    On December 6, 2016 the Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Ekaterine Pipia met with the junior students of International Relations English BA programme. She received recommendations and advises about the quality of teaching, existing challenges and problem-solving prospective from the students with high academic performance. The series of the