To the Attention of Sophomore, Junior and Senior students of the Direction of International Relations! The Faculty of Social Sciences on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia is pleased to announce the opportunityof internship program at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia is offering 45–day internshipto the
Attention! Check Please the Final Exam Timetable! In case two or more exams coincide, please inform the exam center about it no later than 12 December (A307).
Attention! Dates for internal mobility for the spring semester, 2016-2017 academic year is announced: 10.01.2017- 12.01.2017 registration of announcement of the student; 13.01. 2017 – 27.01.2017 recognizing the credits and prepare relevant decision by the feculty; 30.01.2017 – 6.02.2017 signing new contract between the university and the student.