- 29/10/2021
Students of the IBSU Faculty of Law were awarded certificates of law under the Kozminsky University Summer School. The law students studied 4 subjects during the summer school – EU Insurance Law, Multiculturalism, Multilingualism and Comparative Law, New Challenges for IP Law, Human Rights in Europe. Studies in English, online, lasted for a month. Passed
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The Faculty of Law of the International Black Sea University organized a “Student Scientific Conference – Contemporary Criminal Challenges” ⚖️ The conference was attended by undergraduate students and practicing lawyers of the Faculty of Law of Accredited Higher Education Institutions in Georgia. All conference participants will be awarded a certificate, and the best papers will
Summer School of Electoral Law, Organized by the Faculty of Law will take place from July 19 to August 17. Students and alumni of the Faculty of Law or the Faculty of Social Sciences are eligible to participate. The summer school will be held online, through the Google Meet platform. Upon successful completion of the Summer
On June 21, 2021, a working meeting was held between the academic staff and administration of the Faculty of Law of Mycola Romer University and the International Black Sea University. The meeting was attended by the heads of the Quality Management Department and International Relations Department of the International Black Sea University. During the meeting,
Dear authors/prospective authors, We are glad to announce a call for papers for the Contemporary Law Journal! The Contemporary Law Journal (CLJ) is an official scholarly referred multi-disciplinary and peer-reviewed scientifically indexed journal of the Faculty of Law, International Black Sea University. The journal includes the following rubrics: Scientific Articles, Forum of Practicing Lawyers, Students’