- 26/09/2022
The “Implementation of European Standards in the Legal Professions – News, Challenges and Perspectives” legal professions development forum was held on September 23 with assistance from the Swedish Embassy in Georgia, financial support from the Swedish Institute, and coordination from the Swedish alumni network. Black Sea International University was one of the event’s official partners.
Under the unanimous decision of the Council for the Accreditation of Higher Education Programs, the bachelor’s program of law of the International Black Sea University has obtained a seven-year accreditation. As the dean of the IBSU Law School, head of the program, Professor Ketevan Kokrashvili said, changes were made in the program taking into account
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The Faculty of Law of the International Black Sea University, in cooperation with the Faculty of Business Technologies of the Technical University of Georgia, hosted the international symposium “Economic Crime in the European Union and Georgia” on the IBSU campus. The symposium was opened by Professor Ketevan Kokrashvili, dean of the Faculty of Law of
Leading Attorney of Legal Clinic and Invited Lecturer of International Black Sea University – Goga Kikilashvili, received a research scholarship from the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) joint fellowship program. In the frames of this postdoctoral research, Goga will spend five months at the University of Regensburg working
Ketevan Tetrauli and Kakhaber Soselia, detectives of the Special Investigation Service’s most significant cases, met with the students. They gave the students an overview of the service projects, present difficulties, and future goals. Additionally, the students received thorough information regarding their investigative service internships and ongoing competition activities. Professor Ketevan Kokrashvili, dean of the IBSU
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