- 14/05/2019
Tourism Program Coordinator, Assoc. Professor Tinatin Kublashvili represented International Black Sea university at NIBS Annual Conference in Harbin, China in May 2019. The Network of International Business Schools (NIBS) is an association of business schools from around the world, united by a shared view that the internationalization of business and globalization of the economy are essential
Faculty of Business Management International Relations Office (IRO) Representative , Kristina Lazaridi, took participation in the International Practicum Project which is organized by University of Insubria, Varese, Italy on 13-25 May, 2019. The International Practicum is an innovative program designed to provide qualified training and stage opportunities with the aim to educate to entrepreneurship and
The Japanese Government is offering scholarships for research and undergraduate students for the academic year 2020. The documents must be submitted to the Embassy of Japan, the deadline for which is June 7. You can find the details for the application here. For further details, contact the culture department of the embassy.
გვინდა გაცნობოთ, რომ იაპონიის მთავრობა ყოველწლიურად აცხადებს სტიპენდიებს მკვლევარის და საბაკალავრო პროგრამებზე, რომელიც ვრცელდება საქართველოს მოქალაქეებზე, ინფორმაცია 2020 წლის სტიპენდიების შესახებ განთავსებულია ჩვენს ოფიციალურ გვერდზე და ასევე საელჩოს ფეისბუქ გვერდზეც. გიგზავნით საელჩოს ლინკს: https://www.ge.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_ka/cultureandinformation20180207.html იაპონიის მთავრობის 2020 წლის სტიპენდიები (მკვლევარის პროგრამა და საბაკალავრო პროგრამა) (საელჩოში საბუთების ჩაბარების ბოლო ვადაა 7 ივნისი): https://www.studyjapan.go.jp/jp/smap_stopj-applicationsruts.html ინფორმაცია ასევე განთავსებულია საქართველოს განათლების,
A group of students from faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering went on a study trip to Germany, through a DAAD project. The purpose of the project is to connect industry with higher education to further satisfy the requirements of the job market. The students visited two universities in particular, University of Applied Sciences in
Please note that you only attend the lecture you wish to.
On May 7, at 12:00 at International Black Sea Univerisity, invited Professor from Amsterdam University of Applied Science, Clarence Van Der Putte delivered dynamic and interactive 2 hours Masterclass on the topic: Country Brand Management and Tourism Summits Subjects were: Intro Strategic Marketing Planning Marketing strategies Country Brand management Tourism Summit as a Promotion tool of
Representatives from Exactpro Systems delivered a public lecture at International Black Sea university on May 6, 2019. Exactpro Systems is a software testing company that operates mostly in the financial sector. The public lecture consisted of general presentation of their company and promotion of vacancies. The Public lecture was well acclaimed and contributed to the
Vice-Rector of External Affairs of IBSU, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Goderdzi Buchashvili and the Dean of the Faculty of Business Management, Prof. Dr. Tea Kbiltsetskhlashvili participated in the International Week organized by the European Business School (ISAG) in Porto, Portugal on 6-10 may, 2019. Participants from Different high education institution came in the framework of Erasmus+