- 08/04/2019
Trainer: Giorgi Shavoshvili A Junior student with 100% scholarship, currently works as a Java Software Development Intern and has a Freelance Web Development background. Course aim: Getting familiar with the basic concepts of Game Development and implementing them using Web technologies. Subject covered: Drawing on Canvas Game Loop Physics Player Input Collisions Simple Mechanics Language
Trainer: Affiliated Assoc. Prof. Dr. Giorgi Tsanatskenishvili Architecture Program Coordinator He is a doctor of architecture. Course aim: The aim of the course is to introduce architecture to the future generation. Subject covered: Introduction to Architecture Introduction to basic Design 3D composition and volume of buildings Elements of interior design Elements of landscape design Language of
Vacancies!!!!! We are one of the fastest growing custom software outsourcing companies in Georgia. We build middle and large Web and Mobile systems for Georgian and foreign markets for 5 years already. We develop products such as: human resource management systems, online platforms for ticket sales, e-commerce platforms, mobile banking, loyalty management mobile applications and
4th of April, 2019 PAICKT (Project of Academic Integrity in the Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Turkey) Representatives visited International Black Sea University. Administrative and Academic Staff Members of the Faculty of Business Management, Director of IPS (Institute of Postgraduate Studies) and Program Coordinators hosted the guests and had very interested meeting about the plagiarism and academic
Erasmus+ offers internships and exchange programs in Germany. Internship programs are worth 30 credits. The company you will be working for will be determined beforehand and all costs are covered by the host party. There is also an opportunity for an exchange program in The University of Applied Sciences of Zwickau. The costs are fully
Arci Rieti is hosting a year-long project from October 2019 to November 2020, in Rieti, Italy. The name of the project is “Step up For Society”. Organizers are looking for strongly motivated volunteers for the project. Travel, food, accommodation and pocket money is covered by the project. For further information about the project, visit this
Trainer: Villi Darbiniani A senior student (with full scholarship) of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering. Works as a Web Developer in a startup; Creates instrumentals and beats for singers and rappers; Is a part of an EDM duo, has released music on such labels as Otodayo Records and EDM.com. Course aim: Music production is becoming
International Black Sea University team has departed for Portugal,where they will participate in the World Championship final in programming between University in Porto. It is the only team in the finals from the South Caucasus and is one of the best 130 teams (400 students) from over 15,000 teams (up to 50,000 students) from 3000
Beijing Institute of Technology is hosting a 4-week-long program which is designed for international students at all levels who are interested in intensive Chinese language studies, science and engineering, and cultural exchanges. Please visit this link for further information. If you are interested in the program, please visit the room A-323 to proceed with the